At Idyllic, we aim at enhancing the physical fitness, mentally alertness, emotional balance, and therefore building intellectually vibrant individuals in the campus..

The objectives of adopting the concept of Chapters and Clubs are:

  • Provide a smooth transition from school life to college life;
  • Help socialization of pupils to integrate themselves well into corporate life;
  • Prepare pupils to play different kinds of roles as members of a group, community, or society;
  • Develop child’s personality and integrity;
  • Develop the spirit of healthy competition among the children;
  • Inculcate the qualities of self-dignity, self-confidence and respect the others’ views, opinions, and discretion to take their own decisions on issues and problems at hand;
  • Benefit by bright example of others and promote others by his own example;
  • Inculcate in the child, respect for seniors, elders, teachers, and a caring attitude towards juniors and fraternity towards all;
  • Learn to live and enjoy together and develop a degree of sensitivity for others feelings and needs.
  • Inculcate the sense of responsibility to take his tasks in life earnest and discharge them well;


All the students, from all three years of Management and Commerce Stream, are randomly yet judiciously divided into 4 Chapters, which, therefore facilitates a platform of interaction amongst all the batches and all the years parallel.

Each Chapter is being headed by a Mentor, who will be the source of guidance, motivation and inspiration for the members. Various In-House Competitions and Challenges are then thrown Chapter-wise, that dwells the competitive spirit amongst the members of such Chapters.


Addressing the interest areas of Idyllicians, students can opt for any of the following houses

  • (1) Literary Club
  • (2) Cultural Club
  • (3)Sports Club
  • (4) Institutional Responsibility Club
  • (5) Public Relations Club

These clubs hone the talent areas of the Idyllicians in various areas.

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